Discuss / Python / 廖老师 咨询个问题,我的一直报类似错,请问是什么回事?网上找了各种办法都解决不了。

廖老师 咨询个问题,我的一直报类似错,请问是什么回事?网上找了各种办法都解决不了。

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pip3 install PIL Collecting PIL Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PIL (from version:) No matching distribution found for PIL

python -m pip install PIL Collecting PIL Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PIL (from version:) No matching distribution found for PIL

pip3 install --pre PIL Collecting PIL Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PIL (from version:) No matching distribution found for PIL

```不只是PIL 这个包报这样的错,其他的一些包也会包;但是有些包又可以正常pip下来,找了好多办法都不行。python卸载重新装也不行(重新装的时候pip勾上了的)


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http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/ 这上面有直接编译好的,下载后直接安装就行了

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