Discuss / Java / 第三行incomes数组第一个数据 new Income(3000)报错啥情况 No enclosing instance of type Main is accessible. Must qu

第三行incomes数组第一个数据 new Income(3000)报错啥情况 No enclosing instance of type Main is accessible. Must qu

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public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Income[] incomes = new Income[] { new Income(3000), new SalaryIncome(7500), new RoyaltyIncome(12000)};
		double total = 0;
		for (Income income : incomes) {
			total += income.getTax();
	public class Income {

		protected double income;

		public Income(double income) {
			this.income = income;

		public double getTax() {
			return income * 0.1; // 税率10%


	public class SalaryIncome extends Income {

		public SalaryIncome(double income) {

		public double getTax() {
			if (income <= 5000) {
				return 0;
			return (income - 5000) * 0.2;

	public class RoyaltyIncome extends Income{
		public RoyaltyIncome(double income) {
		public double getTax() {
			return this.income * 0.2; 



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正常情况不要把class定义在另一个class里面,这叫inner class,和普通class不一样

谢谢廖老师的回复!我已经明白了,应该放在类外面,是四个独立的类,而且一个java程序中只能有一个public class,应该把后面三个public去掉。

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